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- Acetone 2.5ltr
Acetone 2.5ltr
Acetone 2.5ltr is a colorless and volatile liquid used as a solvent in various industries. It is a powerful cleaner for removing grease and adhesive residues. However, it should be handled with care as it is highly flammable and can cause skin and respiratory problems if not used properly.
Acetone 2.5ltr is a colorless and volatile liquid that is commonly used as a solvent in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, paints, plastics, and chemical synthesis. It is a powerful solvent that easily dissolves many organic compounds, including fats, oils, resins, and waxes. Acetone is also used as a cleaning agent for removing grease, grime, and adhesive residues from surfaces. This 2.5-liter container of acetone is ideal for industrial and laboratory applications that require a large amount of solvent. However, it should be handled with care as it is highly flammable and can cause skin irritation and respiratory problems if not used properly. Protective gear such as gloves, goggles, and a respirator should be worn when handling this product.
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